Group Classes


“Being in Breath with you always takes me ‘there’, returning home it’s like an energy volt of wisdom and perspective. It’s grounding and elevating all at once. An element of our human experience I was aware of but never truly explored as I thought it was a little super power only few had, but you make it real and available to all. I love our Tuesdays, it’s a safe space to explore our energy as we dalliance with life, unpacking ourselves with authenticity, courage and virtue. Thank you.”

- Dr Andrea Speed

If you have experienced hitting the proverbial brick wall, felt overwhelmed with stress or simply exhausted your energy, I can suggest an idea that may sound familiar but it is a very different approach- take a deep dive into your breath. I suggest Tina Bruce’s breathing class to open inner doors to vitality, I found the experience essential to restore a balance I had lost. Guided by her intuition blended with serious evidence based awareness I found the results deeply grounding and encouraging… you may also.

  • Dr George Halasz





Tina’s Tuesday ‘Big Little’ Breathwork classes are her own signature offering influenced by a broad range of traditions, therapies and practices. These include:

Conscious Connected Breathwork (Rebirthing), storytelling, spinal energetics, mantras, mudras, intuitive guidance, sound, somatic processing, and integrative meditation to support holistic wellbeing.

Conscious Connected Breathwork (Rebirthing) is an intentional circular connected breathing cycle that delivers increased energy to the body. This trauma-informed modality encompasses the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of our being.

By engaging in the technique of merging the inhale with the exhale in a continuous cycle, it releases mental tension, stuck emotions, physical pain, subconscious beliefs which block our healing potential. The type of somatic unwinding that is essential for our intuition to flow.

As a highly transformational tool, the breath goes beyond the realm of the conscious mind enabling access to where the body keeps the score, non-verbal memories and nervous system storage. The result is the discharging of these experiences so you can receive an experience of profound clarity.

Tina’s style is calm and slow, yet deep and powerful. Over many years of teaching, she’s seen incredible change and transformation through people devoting themselves to the Breathwork community.

“It has taught me this one simple truth about healing and growth, we are always evolving and no practice is ever the same as the last one!”

During each session, Tina creates a safe and supportive environment, opening up the space for you to explore the many layers. It is considered absolutely safe because the body and mind use their own built-in protective mechanism to always uncover only enough for our capacity to process.

Breathwork in community is our primal need to connect with others, develop self-realisation and not walk it alone. Those who regularly practice these classes will tell you there’s nothing like it. It’s something you need to try to truly decide if a group setting is right for you. Tina believes that everyone is drawn to know the most extraordinary version of their life and how to activate it. It is this impulse and longing toward developing a relationship with your creative power and other like-minded souls that is the spiritual journey. 

Why practice Breathwork?

It can assist with a broad range of issues including:

-      Physical/chronic pain

-      General  health and wellbeing

-      Movement away from victim consciousness

-      Discovering the root cause of illnesses

-      Respiratory issues

-      Emotional release and grief processing

-      Stress, Anxiety and Depression

-      Addiction and belief patterns

-      Trauma and PTSD

-      Life transitions/meaning and purpose

-      Weight loss and digestion issues


What to expect in a session:



It begins with you lying down on a mat, relaxing and just breathing for an hour. Tina guides you into a gentle connected breathing rhythm through the nose. This enables you to relax deeply and access an expanded state of consciousness.

Sometimes it’s profoundly deep and cathartic, other times it’s relaxing & resetting.  It’s common for some clients to feel a physical warming or cooling sensation all over their body, while others feel shaking, tingling, numbing, or cramping sensations in their hands, feet and face. Sometimes this cramping can progress into an intense sensation known as tetany when hands form into a ‘claw’ shape. It is safe to continue breathing through this as the body is working through its release of inflammation and subconscious fear. Remember that any feelings and sensations that arise during the session are temporary.

You may also fall asleep which is why Tina uses hands on touch and spinal energetic support to keep you present and awake.


You may experience mental resistance especially during the first 15 minutes. Not identifying with that inner voice is part of transcending beyond the mind and it usually shifts quickly.

Cellular memory can be activated and memories surface as far back to your own birth and even past/future lives. If fear or unpleasant memories arise, know that the unconscious only brings up what your nervous system is capable of healing. The breath will change the story psychologically so you can replace it with acceptance and forgiveness.

The best advice is to have an open mind.


Breathing a lot of energy into the heart and chest area unlocks stored emotion helping us to drop into our feeling states. Processing all emotions from grief to elated states of joy and happiness is normal. The expression of sound is encouraged during classe to give your emotions a voice and a way out of the body.


Spiritually, you may shift into an altered state of consciousness which floods you with feelings of bliss and unconditional love. This sense of ‘oneness’ is our natural state and is often described as a sense of extreme lightness and a dissolving of contraction. This is the oneness of duality that is called a biological experience of God. Spirit and matter are merged in a way that is very energizing and rejuvenating.

At the end of each class, Tina opens up the group and invites anyone to share their experience. This allows everyone to learn from each other as we often see our own experience reflected back to us in someone else’s insights. It is only an invitation to share and you are always in control of choosing whether to stay or leave. However, it is in these moments at the end where the magic seems to happen and light bulb moments go off!


Breathwork Safety Guidelines

Participants understand that some experiences during breathwork events may have emotional, mental, or physical impacts. Connected breathing techniques can cause altered states of consciousness.

For this reason, if additional support is needed beyond what a group class can provide, participants agree to seek professional help before exploring this practice or approach Tina for a 1:1 private session to meet your needs.

It is the facilitator’s priority to conduct breathwork in a safe environment and for you to feel safe! In return we ask that you take 100% responsibility for your health without blame, shame, or guilt. This includes communicating all concerns or pre-existing conditions authentically and respectfully prior to and post class.


Breathwork is not recommended for individuals with certain health conditions, including but not limited to a history of aneurysms, cardiovascular issues, detached retina, glaucoma, epilepsy, uncontrolled high blood pressure, strokes, pregnancy in the first trimester, or recent surgeries. 

It is also contraindicated for those on prescription blood-thinning medications, individuals with psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, or anyone who has been hospitalised for a psychiatric episode.