Big Little Breathwork Workshops
Corporate wellbeing, key-note speaking and retreats
Tina's workshops are designed to empower teams and individuals with the knowledge and practice around how the breath affects the nervous system and can support life transitions.
Equipment you will need:
Clean air
Open curious mind
The breath can calm and reduce stress by regulating your nervous system and it can energise and uplift. Beyond that it is also a spiritual force which connects you to your intuition so you can make clearer decisions.
How can I add value to your audience?
Theme One: What are Big Little Traumas
● How to identify "Big T" and "little t" traumas
● Breaking free of fear and big little traumas
Theme Two: What it means to be Spiritful
● Spirituality is dead. What is means to live a Spiritful life
● Why Big Little Breath is not a spiritual book
Theme Three: Childhood Shadows
● Meeting the ghosts of childhood shadows
● How to identify with your shadow children
Theme Four: The Intuitive Mountain Map
● What to expect during a Midlife Mountain—not a crisis!
● What are the 7 fears of the subconscious energy centres
Beyond Women’s Intuition - how to tap into your innate wisdom
Theme Five: Breathwork and Retreat Leadership
● Breathwork: the power and practices
● Retreat Leadership: I train Spiritful Leaders, not Spiritual Gurus
Other interesting talking points:
Writing Memoir: the creative process
Travel: walking around the world
Addiction experiments: my year without alcohol
Being a people disappointer: 'good girl' stories that block intuition
Parenting teenagers: our children are our mirrors