Website Terms & Conditions

Welcome! This website,, is owned and operated by Christina Bruce ABN: 60 174 654 514. If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to me:

This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website or purchasing from me. Please take a moment to read it, as it sets out the terms of our relationship so that we may benefit from clear boundaries and knowing what to expect from each other.

When you visit this website, use my services, or purchase my products, you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. If you don’t agree, you should not continue to visit this website or purchase anything from me.

All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.

These Terms & Conditions may be changed or modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.

There may be additional, specific terms of purchase provided to you in relation to my services, courses, or retreats. If there is any inconsistency between this document and those specific terms of service, these Website Terms & Conditions are overruled to the extent of the inconsistency.

Content Disclaimer

On this website and in my social media accounts, I enjoy sharing with you my reflections about whatever is inspiring me in the moment, and news about upcoming opportunities to work with me. My content is provided solely for your personal development and entertainment.

Content Policy

I conduct extensive research in order to provide content that I believe to be valuable and true, but I have no responsibility for the use that you make of that information. Please be aware that the generalised information I provide is not a substitute for specialist advice tailored to your individual circumstances. There is no professional relationship formed by your visit to my website unless you explicitly choose to work with me by purchasing my services or products. Any testimonials or results I may display on this website are based on my experience and those of my previous clients. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results.

While I take all reasonable care to ensure that the content I create is accurate, relevant, and up to date, I make no guarantees and disclaim any legal liability for inaccuracy, incompleteness, or error. If you find something that seems problematic, it would be very helpful if you let me know!

I may modify my content at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice. If you have paid for access to evergreen content, I will provide appropriate warning before removing it and allow you an opportunity to download copies where applicable.

Visitor Responsibilities

You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing while browsing the internet. Do not act on anything you read without first conducting your own research, consulting appropriately qualified professionals, and making informed choices about what is right for you, based on your personal circumstances.

It really should go without saying, but as a user of my website, you agree not to behave maliciously, spam any other user, post defamatory content about anyone, infect any aspect of my website with malware, hack into any part of my website where you don’t have my permission to be, or use my website for any purpose other than consuming my content, engaging in my programs, and purchasing my products or services. You also agree not to use my website or content in any way that is unlawful or harmful to any other person or business. If you do, I have the right to refuse you service and ban you from accessing my website or social media.


This site may offer paid and free downloads. While I take cybersecurity seriously and make every reasonable effort to ensure these downloads are safe and hassle free, I am not responsible for any viruses or other damage which might occur as a result of you downloading material from this site. Please make safety your priority and ensure you have adequate internet security to protect yourself against malicious interference from cybercriminals.

External Links

From time to time, I may provide links to external sites. I have no control over the information provided on these sites, and the links are solely for your information, education, or entertainment. I do not endorse any products they offer for sale and have no relationship with them unless otherwise clearly notified.

Disclaimer for Services and Products

There are a number of ways you may choose to work with me that are available to

purchase or book through my website. The terms and conditions in this document

apply to all of my services and products unless alternative terms are explicitly

provided to you.

I offer:

• Books, including Mother’s Medicine and Big Little Breath;

• Retreats;

• Transformative 1:1 Sessions including:

o Intuitive Guidance

o Breathwork

o Spinal Energetics

o other Somatic Therapies such as Reiki and EFT Tapping;

• Speaking engagements; and

• Group classes and events.

My intention in offering these services and products is to educate, inspire and

support you with your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, and to create

opportunities for community to connect.

Why Work with me?

I am a retreat leader, author, intuitive mentor, keynote speaker, rebirthing

breathwork facilitator, yoga & meditation teacher, and spinal energetics practitioner.

You can find a list of my qualifications on my About Page.

I believe it is my responsibility to create a safe, caring space where I can hold space

for you to explore your needs while challenging you to move outside your comfort

zone. I aim to conduct all sessions in an ethical manner, prioritising your informed

consent, and delivering what I have promised with integrity. I make all reasonable

efforts to meet a high standard of best practice, including practicing only within the

scope of my qualifications, and undertaking ongoing professional development to

keep my skills current.

What I Expect from You

Important information about how to care for your own wellbeing and get the most

value out of working with me is set out below. If you have any questions or concerns,

please email me before proceeding with your purchase.

Important Information

I am relying on you to communicate clearly and honestly about your intent for

working with me, so I can shape my sessions to your needs. This includes giving me

full disclosure about your past experiences with intuitive and somatic modalities,

any illness or physical limitations that may affect you, and any concerns you have

about our work together. I ask that you approach each session with the curious

mind of a beginner, ready to be present and open to new thoughts and experiences.

It is my intention to hold a space of mutual trust and respect where you can safely

allow yourself to be vulnerable in sharing your truth. Confidentiality is also essential

within all group spaces, such as workshops, courses, and retreats. You must not

talk about anyone else’s experience without their explicit permission.

It is very common for this work to bring up deeply buried feelings that you may not

be expecting. You are responsible for managing your behaviour and for not

discharging your pain on me or others. Group breathwork includes exposure to other

people’s heightened emotional reactions and trauma release as well as your own. It

is important that you ascertain your own individual readiness to participate in this

work. If you feel uncomfortable or triggered by this possibility, you might find 1:1

sessions are a better fit for you. I reserve the right to refuse to work with you or

suggest alternative offers if I determine that you are not ready, if your dysregulated

emotions are likely to be disruptive, or if I feel that we are not a good fit. This

sometimes happens when someone is not in a state to bring their best self forward

with the best of intentions. It may show up as blaming others for what is coming

up for them, being stuck in their wounded child and acting out, or letting their ego

override their connection to their higher self.

I am not a medical or mental health professional, and my work does not treat or

diagnose any disease or illness. At all times, you remain fully responsible for your

own physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. If you are taking any medication or

treatments, this is not the time to stop. If you are working with a different health

practitioner, it is important that you inform me and continue any treatment plans.

I am always happy to work collaboratively as part of your holistic health care team.

If any concerns arise during our work together, I strongly recommend you seek

advice from an appropriately qualified professional.

You will get the most out of working with me if you are a kind, confident thought

leader who is invested in your own personal and spiritual growth. I love working with

people who are real and relatable, especially those who want to grow their own

communities and are committed to transformation and empowering others.

You might not be a good fit for this work if you tend to throw tantrums, are not

interested in being part of a group, or if you expect results easily without being

willing to put in the work.

As a practitioner with integrity, I am committed to managing my own energy. This

means that I am growing a business that allows me to work on my terms and for

my own benefit as well as yours. I will always show up the best I can, at my own

most honest and vulnerable. My energy is my currency, so if I am having an off day

if I will change an event or session time rather than put myself or other people at

risk. I appreciate you understanding and honouring this need for flexibility.

I value diversity and inclusion and am actively working on understanding my own

unconscious bias around race & gender. I may make mistakes because I am still

learning. As a result, I am open to feedback. If I do or say anything that offends

people in a marginalised group, please discuss this with me privately in a way that

helps me hold space for the unmet needs you have identified.

As part of my intention to prioritise inclusivity, I may offer partially funded

scholarships for financial hardship for my courses and retreats. The selection

process is based on objective criteria to determine need and merit, not my personal

relationships with participants.


I do not make any guarantees or warranties about the accuracy of any material

displayed on this website, or the products, services, or programs offered through it,

except for any non-excludable consumer guarantees and other consumer protection

provisions set out in the Australian Consumer Law. I am human and errors creep in

despite the best of intentions. If you see something that doesn’t seem right, please

let me know.

While I make all reasonable efforts to ensure that this website and my services and

products meet with the highest standards of best practice, if something does go

wrong that is not a direct result of my negligence, misrepresentation or deliberate

fault, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I will not be liable for

any loss or damage arising out of or related to my website, any products or services

purchased through it, or any material posted on it, irrespective of whether such

damages were foreseeable, and regardless of the nature of the claim.

You take full responsibility for your implementation of any suggestions that I may

make while providing my services. You understand that my advice is limited to

providing you with options for your consideration, and that you are solely

responsible for any actions that you choose to take. Always consult your own values

and vision, do your own research, and check with appropriately qualified

professionals before making major decisions or significant changes. You agree to

indemnify me against all consequences arising directly or indirectly from your


You expressly agree that if this indemnity is unenforceable for any reason, my total

cumulative liability for all causes of action of any kind (other than negligence or

deliberate wrongdoing) shall not exceed the amount that you have paid to me.

Payment Terms

All prices on my website are in Australian dollars and are not subject to GST.

I accept payment through Stripe, Paypal or direct deposit. I do not have access to

your account details. Any financial information you enter is stored under the security

policy of the relevant payment provider.

For 1:1 & group sessions, payment in full is required before your booking date. If a

payment plan is offered for one of my courses, it must be paid in full at least 4

weeks before the course commencement date. Payment plans are offered for your

convenience only, so you can spread your payment out over time. It is your

responsibility to ensure you have sufficient funds to make payment instalments on


For retreats, a non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your space, then you

may choose to pay in full or take advantage of a payment plan.

All payment plans for Soul Wander Retreats are managed by Journeys by Design.

Please consult their T&Cs before booking:


All payments for Big Little Breath Retreats are managed by Tina Bruce.

Refund Policy

For my 1:1 and group sessions, you may cancel your attendance and receive a full

refund up to 48 hours before the session is due to commence. There is no refund

for change of mind or no-shows after this time.

My course includes a retreat, which requires payments to be made on your behalf.

As a result, you may only change your mind and withdraw from the course up to 4

weeks before the retreat date.

For all other retreats, we recommend that you obtain adequate travel insurance.

Please note that your deposit is non-refundable under any circumstances as it

covers the administrative costs of onboarding, payments to venues and other third

parties. There is no refund if you pull out in the 4 weeks before the retreat date. If

you change your mind and wish to withdraw before that, you may obtain a refund

(minus your deposit) if we are able to book someone else into your spot.

I take my obligations under Australian Consumer Law seriously and will do my best

to address any issues that arise. However, even if there is a major problem, my

liability is strictly limited to:

• replacing the goods or providing the services again; or

• if I am unable to do so within a reasonable time, refunding the full amount

that you have paid to me.

If you feel that there is any problem with my services or your purchase, please let

me know within 24 hours. I am keen to understand what has gone wrong if you are

unhappy so that I can address your concerns and try to find a mutually acceptable


Delivery and Shipping

1:1 sessions are held online via Zoom. In-person sessions may be offered by prior


Group sessions are usually in-person, and the venue is notified at the time of


Retreat venues are specified on the relevant sales page.

All books are shipped through Amazon or, and their shipping policies


If anything is unclear or confusing, I encourage you to reach out to me before you

make your booking so I can provide clarification.

Appointment Policies

Due to the amount of preparation I do before our sessions, I require at least 48

hours’ notice in order to reschedule. If you provide me with less than 48 hours’

notice or fail to turn up, you will forfeit your payment. This applies to both 1:1 and

group sessions.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment up to 48 hours before your

session, please let me know as soon as possible so that your place can go to another

client. Please email or call me on 0404819416.

If you are prevented from attending our session due to an emergency beyond your

control, please contact me as soon as possible to let me know. I get it. Emergencies

can come up and life happens, these circumstances will be managed on a case-by-

case basis. My time is valuable so I really appreciate your support to inform me with

as much time as possible when you can’t make the booking. I may agree to

reschedule at my sole discretion in exchange for an administrative fee of $25.

Intellectual Property

Copyright & Trade Secrets

The content of this website and in all my courses, resources and books is protected

by copyright laws and treaties around the world, with all rights reserved. This means

that you must not use, copy, or make my work public without my permission.

You are welcome to share blog posts or other publicly available content through

social media, but you must provide a link back to this website.

You may not copy or reproduce any part of my publicly available content without

my written consent.

If you are participating in my courses, content may be printed or downloaded to a

local hard disk strictly for your personal and non-commercial use. Course content

contains my trade secrets that are offered exclusively to participants. It is an

essential condition of participation that you agree that you will not provide extracts

of any course content to anyone else without explicit written consent.

Commercial exploitation of my content in any way that competes with my business

is strictly prohibited.

Trade Marks

I own the unregistered trade marks, logos, and service marks displayed on this

website, including “Big Little BreathTM.” These trade marks may not be used in

connection with any other product or service without a licence, or in any way that

is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace, or in any manner that disparages

me or my business.

As a certified practitioner of the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, I am authorised

to display the “Intuitive Intelligence®” trade mark under license by the trade mark


Respectful Communication

I reserve the right to moderate any comments made on this website, in the

Facebook Groups I control, and on any of my social media pages and profiles,

including deleting comments that I deem to be rude, offensive, spammy or

unacceptable, without any notification or correspondence with you. Keep all

communication kind and polite, please.

Disrespectful or aggressive behaviour towards me, my team or anybody else will not

be tolerated.

Dispute Resolution & Jurisdiction

If a dispute arises, you agree that you will not engage in any public discussion about

the issues, will behave politely towards me, and will avoid any conduct or

communication which might reasonably be expected to interfere with my business

or personal interests. You agree to act in good faith and be reasonably cooperative

at all stages of the dispute resolution process. I will treat you with the same


If there is a problem, you agree to meet with me in good faith to discuss it and try

to make a genuine effort to find a win-win solution. If the problem cannot be

resolved within a reasonable time, you agree to pursue mediation and alternative

methods of dispute resolution, with litigation being a last resort. I commit to making

a similar effort to resolve any disputes in a friendly manner.

These Website Terms & Conditions are subject to the governing law of Victoria,

Australia. Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the

dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of Victoria, and the Commonwealth of

Australia, will have exclusive jurisdiction.

Thank you for reading & respecting my T&Cs

This document was created with the support of Carefree Counsel. Copying it without

permission is a breach of copyright, and really bad business practice. Show respect

for us, yourself & your clients by getting your own Contracts that Care!