Retreat Scholarship Places

Byron Bay, February 26th-29th 2023


We are beyond grateful to be able to offer not one, but TWO partly funded scholarship places for our 2023 Byron Bay Retreat Feb 26-29th.

Each donation is valued at $1644 covering half the investment for this 3 nights/4day immersion into ‘The Waves of Intuition’.

We know the profound impact our previous two retreats at Bluegreen Sanctuary have had on the women who prioritised their health and opened themselves up to new possibilities.

This scholarship is suitable for you if:

- You have always wanted the opportunity to invest in a retreat but have felt money is a barrier.

- You need financial assistance.

- You have experienced mental or/and physical health challenges and need more financial support.

- You are a teacher, coach, social worker, health professional or leader in soul business looking to diversify your offerings and learn more in a financially sustainable way.

Applications are now open until Friday October 28th 2022.

The worthy recipient will be notified by email and a phone call on Wednesday November 9th 2022.

Please note: to travel to the NSW you must be able to finance your own flights if interstate.

Please apply using the below form: