2020 Reflections


I’m sharing with you these two vision boards my daughters did back in January 2020. Of course we all had zero clue about what was going to unfold the following month. Perhaps their Intuition was spot on in many ways. 

The words that jump out at me the most are HERO and HEALING.  I certainly feel like a HERO for reaching the tail end of such a historical year. I’ve squeezed every last molecule out of my marrow and am feeling the hollowness ready to be refilled and saturated with some healing rest. 

The image that jumps out at me the most is that of ULURU.  The heartbeat of our country reminding us that we all belong equally and united. Tomorrow, Dec 21st, also marks a sacred day in Uluru. A turning point astrologically if you like known as the 'Grand Conjunction'. The Summer Solstice and a powerful moment for reflection and ritual. 

The two tiny mustard seed quotes that may require glasses to see yet pack the biggest punch are ‘Don’t let the world crush your spirit’ and ‘Make 2020 your Best Year’.

Hell Yes. Before you disagree, dig a bit deeper and discover the hidden gems. 

It’s worth it. 

This fight for humankind and our pandemic survival. 

It’s worth it. 

The challenge to correct climate crisis and save all the species we’ve threatened with extinction. 

It’s worth it. 

All the grief and trauma and exhaustion to take action on social justice and black lives matter. 

It’s worth it. 

I sobbed when George Floyd was murdered as I was awoken to confront my own racism. I spent three months physically shaking, dealing with adult acne for the first time and doing the deep inner work of shadow healing and listening. Easy? No. But worth it? Absofuckinglutely. 

It takes quiet mustard seed courage to shift from a belief of ‘I have rights’ to ‘I have obligations’ to serve, to heal and empower past, present and future generations. Service is not about working harder but rather it’s about empowering others and the world is worthy of this. 

I must admit I’ve caught myself a few times wishing the year away so we can start fresh in 2021. But, I realise how incredibly privileged that sounds because so many people did not survive 2020. If you’re reading this, you not only survived, you thrived. To ‘thrive’ means to grow vigorously and we’ve all done that whether we’re conscious of it or not. We’ve all felt fear, disconnection and disruption and moved through it. I’m so grateful for the gift of growth these predicaments offer. 

It’s been a tough one, and that’s probably putting it lightly, but for those reasons it’s also been THE BEST YEAR. 

I have so much planned for 2021 as I take my lessons and integrate them into new business offerings. My commitment is to rise to the calling of my Soul as it meets its appointment with life more fully. It won’t be perfect but I’ll give it a red hot crack by engaging in Reciprocity and the knowledge and practices of Yoga, Intuition, Indigenous wisdom and trauma-informed Breathwork. Through this work we can embody our own Intuitive health and a more united community.

The world is worthy of this. 

But first, we ALL need some rest. 

So let out a giant huge SOUL SIGH. 

You are worthy. 


I’m so grateful for this community, being able to lean on my friends, my students, my teachers and healers as well as my invisible board of spiritual directors. Thank you ALL for guiding me through each day, hour by hour in some cases. I know what it takes to write and I especially thank those who have taken the time to write back to me. I value every word.

2021 will not wipe the slate clean of the last 12 months but it will of course be fueled by your thriving. 

May our hero’s journey continue together. 

Always and forever in service. 

Love Tina x


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