2023 top 5 truths..

Before we all sign off and celebrate our holy days in our unique ways I want to express my infinite gratitude. 

This ‘work’ I get to do would not be possible without your support and I’m truly blessed so thank you. 

This year has delivered (and dismantled) so much, and throughout it all, I decided to show up anyway. 

The top 5 truth themes of 2023: 

1. Letting go

Renting spaces the last eight years to teach yoga and breathwork has given me creative authority and freedom. It’s how I’ve nurtured my practices, stayed authentic and built an incredible community of friends and students over many seasons. However, that business model of service no longer works or feels energetically uplifting. This year I let it go twice!  

I can't wait to connect next year in new ways and places still unknown to me but it feels full of potential and possibility. Community is EVERYTHING.

2. Writing

I wrote a book. 

In addition to these 25 letters this year, I just finished the first draft of my next book.

Whoaa. And yipeeee!

I’m getting teary while typing because I printed off the manuscript yesterday and can’t believe it has physical pages. It's like your insides are now on the outside. After printing it out, I then read out the intro to my husband while he was cooking curry. Besides stammering through all the mistakes, I was surprised that it actually sounds really good!

A very different experience to the first book 5 years ago. More stop-start, bursts of flow, lots of self doubt, shelved for a few months, and then a breakthrough when I returned from Nepal. 

Still lots of rewriting and revising required but I'm going to relax into being shamelessly proud of myself for now.

Sharing this body of stories and lessons with as many people as possible next year (at pace that is real) is my mission. 

3. New things

Being a mother to two teenage girls a first!
I got the brief...be ready for anything, stay cool, and don't look shocked. Last week the question from daughter #2, "Mum I don’t know what to say to my friend…how do I know it’s my intuition? Can you teach me?"  I was so excited she asked it took all my effort to 'stay cool'. 

1:1 work. Thank you to all of those who entered into an energy dance with me. I’ve enjoyed every in person intuitive session so much. It still blows me away how powerful we are at healing ourselves. Private mentoring will continue in 2024.

4. Travel

I Travelled a lot.

Eating, praying and loving around Byron Bay, Bali, France, Italy, Nepal.

'Ultimately travel is not about expressing a worldlier persona and projecting that onto others, it's about realigning with your values and breaking open a deeper love for simple things.' 

The act of making my own bed and then jumping in it with my husband has become a kind of homebound travel exercise and a reminder to appreciate how fucking grateful I am for what I already have under my own roof.

4. Mistakes

Successes invite just as many failures. 
I’ve learned to let perfectionism soften. Most mistakes happen when you're trying to hold onto a past way of doing something.

Sobriety. Dipped my toe in it for a few months and then dipped back into Rosé. The clarity, the creativity and my self esteem is way better when I don't choose the glass of wine. Relapsing or returning to past habits is not really a mistake, just a reminder that I don’t need to be in the frequency of ‘habit energy’ and craving as long now.

5. Healing

I cried a lot. Wet surface tears that flowed like rivers and really dry guttural tears that just shook out. Writing memoir brings up trauma which is its own medicine. The words that come through me come for me first. 

This was all supported by more inner child therapy and guided a lot by this question:

What advice would you give
your younger self? 

What I can share with confidence is that my younger self has not taken a word of my older self’s advice. No surprises there! Children don’t listen to their parents, they imitate them. My practice is to demonstrate kindness instead to these precious parts every day.

Now what?

Personally, I will be taking a break for reflection and lots of doing nothing. Rest, walking, oceans, and breathing as our family ventures to WA.

And for you...

What are you willing to invest your time and energy into?

The challenges of 2023 were needed for growth, yet now, having fulfilled their spiritual purpose, they’re no longer required. 

If you continue to plan your future through the filter of old experiences, you’ll lose the truth of where your intuition is trying to guide you. 

Reclaim and redirect your energy according to what matters most to you NOW! 

I’ll be back in your inbox in 2024 in a fresh new way. 

Until then, switching off into complete creative recovery mode. 

Honour the darkness, welcome the light.

Peace and solstice love,

Tina x

Nepal retreat

roadblocks - creatively stuck


2020 Reflections