Final Reflections

'Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable'

- Mary Oliver
1935 - 2019

Hello my loves,

You are receiving this email because you have supported me this year by either buying my book, attending a yoga class, a workshop, a retreat, working with me one-on-one, coaching me, mentoring me, healing me or being a most precious friend.

I want to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I feel so grateful my heart can hardly bear it.

Now, with that said, welcome to the end of 2019 and the end of a decade!

There’s a lot of hype around right now about entering a new decade and how you better envision and manifest and make the most of it. Let that shitake go. It feels a lot like pressure, and not very helpful.
Instead, what I’m offering for you ALL to reflect on now is to just pause, take a breath, and look how far you have come. Not just this year, but over the past ten years of your life. My guess is that you have ‘adulted’ really hard, grown children, made sacrifices, learned many lessons and gotten to know yourself a whole lot better.
Look instead at the steady slow burn of change and the path you have created by gently placing one foot in front of another. Your own pilgrimage which you journeyed on by simply following the breadcrumbs of truth your Intuition graciously dropped. It’s liberating to know that anything of real value takes time to create. There really is no such thing as an overnight success.
Personally, I have experienced a massive year of ‘firsts’ in 2019 which looks really huge in isolation, but actually, It took me ten years to create all those successes which just happened to come to fruition in the same year.
I never imagined that in one year I could have….

  • Written and published my first book into the world

  • Qualified as a Medical Intuitive Guide

  • Qualified as a teacher of Intuition

  • Hosted my first International Yoga Retreat

  • Hosted my first sold out workshop on Intuition

  • Kept my business going teaching weekly yoga

  • Worked in the first committee team for the Mindful Walk event

  • Picked my kids up from school every single day

  • AND stayed happily married

However, I’ve had to overcome some pretty huge health challenges and confront lots of fears. I had to have the breakdown to then receive the breakthrough. I had to make some choices that had no guarantee of outcomes but required a whole lot of trust and faith. And, since I am no longer numb with painkiller medication, I have felt levels of love like nothing else to the point where I didn’t think I could take much more.
BUT, I must admit, I have had moments of doubt, still!
Here’s Why…
Since launching my book ‘
Mother’s Medicine’ in May all I have received from everyone is unwavering support, which really confirmed to me what I thought I already knew about human beings…..that we are inherently good people by nature and crave honesty, authenticity and vulnerability. 
This was also reflected back to me when I finished the Camino walk in Spain in September with my dear friend Maggie (an epic experience). Every person on the path was generous in spirit and offering up ‘Buen Camino’ blessings at each corner.
The priest at the Santiago de Compostela cathedral even said on the final day…
‘You can either choose in life to be a radiator or a drain. Which one will you be?’
‘I choose the light, I choose the light’ was my instant response.
I then hopped in the car with my family and followed the light all the way along the European highways through Portugal until we eventually landed in Lisbon.
It was here that we met up with an old family friend for dinner and he dropped a bomb and said…that humans are mostly evil by nature.
Wait! What?
Now, let me just add that this man is not a negative person. In fact, he has dedicated his whole life to working for the United Nations to create positive change for refugees. But he has witnessed the very worst of human nature and it has coloured his perception significantly.
So that comment sent me into deep reflection, and with the current state of the world, made me question ‘Is that really true?’
Firstly, I know evil has a loooong thread of violence and war that runs throughout the history of civilization which continues to evolve.
Secondly, it always seems to return in different guises. More modernly in hackers, internet trolls, nuclear weapons, chemicals, fossil fuel burning and even hidden sugar!!
Thirdly, it may just be responsible for this climate crisis and sixth mass extinction we are currently living through.
But surely there are more radiators than drains in this world? I would like to believe that the only reason the ‘evil thing’ hasn’t won yet, as in with complete world domination, is because the ‘good thing’ wont die. The ‘evil thing’ being hate and the ‘good thing’ being LOVE. 
The conclusion I came to is that when we feel safe, we are loving, empowered and connected to each other. When we are afraid, we become disrespectful, judgmental, unforgiving and yes, evil. 
So it’s simple. We need to stay out of 
fear and return to LOVE every single day. And this my friends, takes practice. There is no shortcut here. It is a daily discipline of stillness, silence and surrender. You carve out the time to centre yourself and return to a calm state so you can receive what your Intuition is trying to communicate with you.
Our safety and survival is totally dependent on embodying what the ancient Yogis have been trying to tell us for 4000 years.
That we really are all ONE. We share the same air. We all breathe together. And Universal love is our true nature!
Mother Earth does not need us to survive but we need her. When we live by the laws of the cosmos we experience harmony. When we try to control, separate and dominate we dissolve. 
Please remember as we enter 2020, that this is a world with infinite possibility. You will change and grow in ways you never imagined as long as you follow your heart.
Now go out there and Radiate that love outward in all directions and celebrate your goodness!
From my heart to yours,
Tina B


The Pandemic Pilgrimage continues....


My Daughters and Spiritual Self Esteem