The Pandemic Pilgrimage continues....
What Happens to our Intuitive Health when we are on the pandemic pilgrimage?
Having gone through a year long chemically induced quarantine of withdrawal to get off opioid medication, I'm beginning to feel like we have all had challenging experiences in our lives which have been preparing us for this moment. I was lucky to come back from that bottom which 'birthed' my Intuition as I discovered a new type of medicine. So I wanted to share what is coming up for me at the moment and highlight the similarities which may be relevant to this odd FFT ('fucking first time' - Brene Brown) collective pandemic pilgrimage we are travelling on.
Right now as we experience this tunnel of transformation it begins with disruption and then inevitably moves into disintegration or loss.
Some of the things I have felt loss over so far are:
Loss of my private quiet space
Loss of my travel plans
Loss of my hair colour
Loss of freedom while kids are at school
Loss of my yoga studio
Loss of knowing when and if I will get to physically touch my own mother again
Loss of income
Loss of uninterrupted sleep
While I write this letter to you I am attempting to stay 'present' instead of running to the tray of birthday cupcakes my husband just got delivered. Loss can often drive us to the pantry repeatedly!
The process of loss itself can be described as a collective ‘Dark Night’, or in my own words, a modern 'Pandemic Pilgrimage'. They are one and the same archetypal pattern.
A ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ is described traditionally by the 16th century Spanish mystic, St John of the Cross, as a well scheduled journey of feeling lost, ungrounded and abandoned. While some of us may be experiencing these feelings, for others it can play out entirely in our subconscious and we may be having very vivid dreams or living it through our children.
The irony of a ‘Dark Knight’ is that you feel disconnected or separate from your Intuition for a period time. It is a strange and necessary stage to prepare us so that when we hear true guidance, it will be so certain we won’t confuse it with our ego or monkey mind. We are left only with the clear voice of Intuition.
There are four stages to this process you’ll move through as you activate your Intuition. And it is more of a zig zag than a sequential movement:
Dark Night of the Soul
The Light emerges when we fully let go of control and accept the way things are.
Appreciation is simply moving into gratitude for our health and the new spiritual maturity we have for the wisdom and expansion gained.
It is our response to this process of loss which reorganizes us energetically and helps us to shed past karmic patterns and attachments. When we release negative beliefs from our cell tissues our health moves more into present time, we heal faster and we step into an upgraded intuitive system. Staying conscious of this process can be the difference between feeling like we have power, or collapsing into powerlessness. In the end, all the LOSSES turn into GAINS as those things we lost in the outside world no longer have power over us. The power is found within.
I believe it is our responsibility to consciously participate through these stages and not repeat an old cycle (or face plant into cupcakes!). It’s a commitment but will reveal a warrior inner strength we were not even aware we had.
This 8 week model of learning beginning on Thursday April 30th 'Empowering Your Intuitive Health' is a way for you to be escorted through the tunnel. Course details and further information can be found here:
We can’t control the duration of the pilgrimage but we can evolve into great travellers and navigate the midnight to dawn journey back to true north.
When the pilgrim finally reaches her destination it is her health that inevitably becomes another person's wealth. There is no opting out when you feel the call to help others.
This is the 'All is One' truth in action.
Much love,
Tina B