roadblocks - creatively stuck

"When you look at a field of dandelions, you can either see a hundred weeds, or a thousand wishes"

I’ve been fortunate enough to visit Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City three times in my life so far. EI found myself walking and stranded on roundabouts unable to navigate my way through the crazy traffic. Vietnamese people appear happy though, and despite the constant congestion, there’s not a whiff of road rage present. 

When driving to Breathwork class on Wednesday I was met by an unexpected road block. Nonetheless, I parked in the opposite street and walked the extra distance to the studio musing at the way the Universe works.  

Taking a seat on the mat I asked everyone … Have you ever had the experience of trying to write, communicate or act on something but you were met with a block? 

You attempted to formulate the words but nothing landed?

You tried to journal, reply, respond but you temporarily forgot who you were?

We start to pay attention.

The confusion, the ache, the frustration, the forgetting, the second guessing. When our lines of consciousness get tangled during the creation process it’s actually a sign of growth.  Eventually we realise that not knowing what to say or do is just as real and useful as knowing exactly what to say or do. 

Intuition is discovering new pathways as a result of old patterns collapsing. 

I feel the temptation at times to slip into performance and rush to a deadline to over ride the system. My ego is easily satisfied this way by feeding its instant gratification and controlling appetite. But that action also breaks my soul and taking a pause and acknowledging the fear is how we disarm all our multiple personalities.

While I was practicing this pause in my back courtyard, I noticed a dandelion dancing through the light under the table. So fine and delicate it floated until it was joined by a cluster of five more clumped together. They were proposing an invitation, as seed communities do, to come join the tangle of silky threads and spin around aimlessly together. 

Just like the wind supports the dandelions through this drifting, our breath does the same. It’s the life force that blows away blocks and helps us find the ground again.

Expressing a brave new way of relating and being in the world can be scary. 

Go gently & patiently as the way we communicate to ourselves matters most of all. The road blocks are there to make us conscious and choose differently. 

Still, am grateful for the speed bumps and stop signs which make me slow down and observe the preciousness of this short life. 


2023 top 5 truths..