Free Meditation - 'Finding Freedom'

Right now, I'm really being instructed to walk my talk. Because of the nature of chaos and all the emotions it brings up there have been some days when I have been like, 'Umm...helloooo...light? Where have you gone? What have you done with my energy?'
Can anyone relate?

When I'm in the shit storm I always remember these words from my teacher..... 

‘Tina, there is no big Law of Attraction Genie in the sky that is going to grant you your wishes. You are here on this earth to GIVE your light away. Not to hoard it, or to get more stuff, or to try and control nature. You are here to be the fullest and highest expression of your true self. Unapologetic. Unafraid. And Unarmoured And when you show your soul fully, then you will receive. You will receive an unlimited supply of energy, intuition, healing and love when you give it away first.’

Simple really. When I find myself falling into victim consciousness I remember this wisdom. That my unique gifts may be the answer to somebody else’s prayers. 

This week was the 1st birthday of my book ‘Mother’s Medicine - The Birth of my Intuition’. Hooray I can't believe it has been one whole year!

I celebrated by gifting it to the world for free on social media to anyone who said 'YES' to the medicine. Within 24 hours I had cleared an entire box of 30 books!!

 ‘But what about the cost of postage?’ My husband asked. 

Well, what I receive in return is worth far more than dollars I can assure you of that. My heart is full, my mind clear, my spring is back in my step. This is the real currency. Our health is our wealth and is available to us all. Regardless of whether we are jobless or broke or financially stretched. It really comes back to the ‘All is One’ truth and bravely serving our fellow humans. Ease and grace will flow to us when we give from our gifts.

Maybe you are a talented cook, a great communicator, a quiet artist, a whiz with organisation, a writer in the closet! It’s time to come out now dear ones.

While we are in physical isolation we can still create spiritual connection.

This 8 week online home pilgrimage 'Empowering Your Intuitive Health' can provide exactly that. The women who come together to learn, practice and just be themselves form this sacred container for all sorts of magic to take place. There is no armour, no masks, no bullshit. I just show up to facilitate but it is actually them who end up teaching me. 

I would like to help and support anyone with payment plans so that money is not the block to accessing this powerful experience.

Also, if you have services or products that could help me then please don’t deny me of them. Let’s swap and exchange our value instead of limiting our options.

The link for more information is here:

In the spirit of giving I share with you this free meditation called:

‘Finding Freedom’

Set aside 20 minutes and you will thank me!


What happens to our 'Intuitive Health' when we are in the pandemic tunnel of transformation?


The Pandemic Pilgrimage continues....